Wednesday, 7 June 2006

Tipping is not a small fishing village in China - Part I

When I lived in Canada, way back at the turn of the century, I worked as a waitress for a couple of months. I had never waitressed before, so it was a new experience for me. I quickly got the hang of it, and I like to think I was quite a good waitress too (I knew how to "Irish it up" for extra tips).

The first place I worked in was a complete dump. It was on Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto, and it had some really crap French name which I've since erased from my memory in an attempt to deny any involvement with the place. It was the kind of place that only served beer 'n' wings, and had at least one fist fight in the parking lot per night. You know, a classy joint. Anyway, I applied for a job because it was right across the road from where I lived, I was desperate for a job, and I didnt exactly have a... um... "legal" visa, so couldn't really get a proper job, as such.

On my first day, I met my "trainer" - a woman with the fattest ass I've ever seen on a relatively slim chick. Her name was probably Darlene or something, I don't really remember. She didn't bother learning mine, so I paid her the same courtesy. You can see we were off to a good start.

Darlene informed me that, as I had never worked in a bar before or waitressed before, I would have to do three days training before I could work by myself. During this time, all of my tips would be handed over to her as she'd really be doing double the work (mine as well as hers) while I watched and learned. Now, most of you are probably thinking "Why didnt you tell her, at this early point, to shove her job up her gargantuan arse, and walk out of there?" Let me remind you, I was desperate for a job. Also, I figured "How much money could I earn in tips in three days, when I've never done this before? Probably not much, so, fuckit, Ill do it."

And so, Darlene proceeded to sit on said enormous arse, smoking and drinking beer, for the next two days, whilst she ordered me around the bar. I worked my damn ass off. I remember one time she called me into the kitchen (which was, I might add, fucking disgustingly dirty. I wouldn't even drink water out of the taps in there) and bollocked me out of it for having spent ten minutes discussing books with one of the regulars sat at the bar. I protested "But, you told me to make conversation with the regulars!" and she replied with "Yeah, but none of that smart shit!" I swear to god, had I opened a book in front of her I would have heard the classic "Looks like we got ourselves a reader!"

In two days, I made about $100 in tips.

And that bitch took every penny of it.

So, on the third day, I told her that I didn't think she should take my tips that day, as I'd been working twice as hard as she had, and I felt that I deserved my tips. She said that them's the rules, and if I didn't like it, I could ring the boss (whom I swear is a member of the Canadian Mafia) and complain to him. So I told her that I'd do just that, and not only would I complain to him, but I'd tell him to stick his job where the sun don't shine. With that, I handed her my apron, got my coat and walked out. She followed me outside yelling that I couldn't just walk out after two days, and that I wouldn't get paid for it, etc., etc. I just kept on walking, never looked back.

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