Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Another Kate Moss rant

I've been a bad blogger. I haven't been blogging very much at all recently.

Now, despite what you may think, I'm not doing this to fuck with your head. I'm not like those insecure men you read about who surreptitiously place nicotine patches on your back while you sleep so that you develop a craving whenever he's not around and associate that craving with being around him and thus start to think that you're addicted to him and consequently he must be The One. What? That's never happened to you?


Anyway, I've actually been spending most of my time travelling to meetings and client sites (the oil refinery at Grimbsy the week before last, Belfast and London last week, off to Edinburgh today and then back to the refinery at Grimsby for tomorrow and Thursday - glamourous, eh?) which makes it somewhat difficult to whip out the laptop for a weekly dose of celebrity bashing. And, in between all this work, I've been crippled with writer's block.

The good news is that the 'block has finally been kicked to the curb. Thank you to all who sent suggestions and good wishes. The combination of your positive vibes, a serious hangover, too many cups of coffee and copious amounts of reading has kickstarted my brain, and last night I wrote with a zeal I haven't felt in quite some time. I doff my hat to all of you, and to Mr. Coffee of course.

Now, despite the fact that I've been up to my eyes with work recently, I've noticed that I'm being bombarded with images and hype about one particular person everywhere I turn, and I honestly cannot see what all the fuss is about. So, let's put it to the vote.

Ladies and gents, I give you:

Kate Moss

For those of you who don't know who she is (and, seriously, what rock have you been living under for the past twenty years or so?), Kate is a British model, famous for all the wrong reasons it would seem. In the early 90's, she was the icon of heroin chic. At a skinny 5'6", she was lauded as the anti-supermodel - the exact opposite of the supermodels of the time, such as Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer. More recently, Kate's been hitting the headlines for being captured on camera snorting cocaine, and for hanging off the arm of the talentless super-minger, otherwise known as Pete Doherty. After losing most of her modelling contracts in the wake of the publication of the coke pictures, Kate has made an admittedly spectacular comeback, and this week launched a range of clothes she designed all by herself for Topshop, one of the leading trendy shops in the UK. [Source 1, Source 2]

Which is why she's currently being splashed all over our TV screens and magazine and newspaper pages.

Personally, I haven't bought any of Kate's Topshop stuff, nor have I tried to. In fact, other than what I've seen in the newspapers, I don't actually know anything about "The Collection", because I really don't give a rat's ass. How and ever, what does bother me is the fucking maelstrom of publicity that has fashion victims whipped into a frenzy in anticipation of getting their grubby mitts on some of these clothes. I know I'm not the most stylish person in the world, and my my fashion sense could be described as "lazy" at best, but I do like to flick through the glossy mags every now and then, and I have to say that I really don't see how or why Kate has been labelled as a fashion icon, or "the most stylish woman on the planet". I don't think the girl is even particularly good looking, and I certainly wouldn't wear clothes designed by someone who dates a man like this:

The man is wearing a vest held together with a safety pin, for cryin' out loud! And you just know he smells.... Ugh! Mind you, she's not much better - is that a gold lamé waistcoat?

Anyhoo, of course us non-fashion victims will get the last laugh because not only are the sheep paying upwards of £40 on eBay for a sold-out Kate Moss designed-vest that cost £12 in Topshop, but by this weekend, those who actually managed to get their hands on some of the clothes will all step out wearing their new garb, looking like little Kate Moss clones. Anyone in England who walks into a bar on Friday or Saturday night is going to be greeted with the sight of probably half the women all wearing the exact same clothes. Morons!

So, if you're still reading this (and I do apologise for that mini-rant - I had to get it off my chest!), what do you think? Take a look at these pics, and tell me whether you think she deserves the "fashion icon" lable she's been given?